Monday, February 28, 2011

Drawing Lines

Distinct Piece Of Music with Charcoal:

Distinct Piece of Music with Charcoal:

Distinct Piece of Music with Charcoal:

Folded Paper, Smoothed, Lines:
Crumbled Paper, Smoothed, Lines:
100 Parallel Lines with Two Hands  at the Same time:
 Attacking the Page:

100 Hundred Parallel Lines with Eyes Closed: 

Mood of Music with Charcoal:

Mood Of Music with Charcoal:

 Phrase/Thought Filled the Page: All Day Every Day

My Name 100 Times, Tray

Monday, February 21, 2011

Lines in Nature

Story Line

"You know you're just jaywalked, right?"
"Nuh-huh, I just crossed the street."
"The light was red and you walked through the middle of the street, the cross walk is over here!"
"Yea well there aren't any cops to arrest me for jaywalking."
"Ha, so you did jaywalk?"
"Wait a minute jaywalking means not looking before you cross the street, I looked."
"You're gonna argue with me, a CJ (Criminal Justice) major about the law?"
"I'm not argruing with you just proving my point, which is that I'm right."
"You're such a jerk."
"What if that car didn't stop?"
"The car would have stopped, I'm a pedestrian, I had the right of way."
"You're a pedestrain crossing the middle of the street!"
"See you just proved my point that I safely crossed the street."
"Your point?"
"Yea that I crossed the street not jaywalked like you said."
"Dealing with you is going to make me late for class."
"I thought you said we were heading to lunch, isn't that why we are walking to your car?"
"Oh, see I'm not even focused"
"Where are we going for lunch anyway?"
"Police Station, go to turn in somebody, I mean stuff"
"Hahahaha, very funny really where's lunch going to be at today?"
"I don't know any place you want to go?
"Olive Garden, haven't been there in a while"
"Hmmmmm bread sticks."

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Madness I tell you MADNESS

History: Q-tips were invented by Leo Gerstenzang in the 1920's, originally they were cotton balls attached to a toothpick. Modern q-tips are still cotton balls, but they are wrapped around a plastic or wooden rod. The "q" in Q-Tip stands for quality.

Purpose: Commonly used for cleaning ear canals and removing ear wax, this is not the recommended use by doctors because it can lead to blocking the ear canal with wax or damaging the ear drum. Other uses of the q-tip are for applying and removing make-up, arts & crafts and cleaning. Within the medical field, q-tips are larger 5in are greater and are used to take microbiological cultures (samples) from bacteria or genetic areas.

Dictionary/ Thesaurus: America: Q-tips, England: Cotton Buds, South-Africa: Ear Buds

Object/ Word Usage: Q-tip is also the name of an American Rapper

Proposals for Larger than Life

The first sketched proposal is for a helmet designed Lock, the second is of a "battery pack" attached to the back of the person and the last proposal is for a type of restraint device. 

From beginning to End, life sized Lock

Shadow Box


Use of only 3 dots
Placed in the corners
Form Triangles
Big dots and Little dots